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Double chin, popularly known as a goitre, visibly worsens the appearance of a face. Whatever the cause, whether it's ageing or conditions that have the unsightly "bump" under the chin as a symptom, double chins can now be treated non-invasively, thanks to the most effective technologies on the market - ultrasound & radiofrequency - now available on the Accent Prime platform. 

The causes of double chins are either the sagging of the skin and tissue under the chin or the presence of too much fatty tissue.

How do we remove double chins regardless of the cause?

After the examination, the doctor will decide the protocol/number of sessions with Accent Prime allocated, ultrasound and radio frequency intensity. With ultrasound we melt excess fat, with radiofrequency we tighten skin and tissues for a lifting effect.

Accent Prime eliminates double chins fast!

Accent Prime, produced by Alma Lasers, the world's leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art medical devices, harnesses the power of combined technologies, providing customized treatments for facial and body contouring, cellulite reduction, firmness restoration and skin rejuvenation - with fast, reliable and long-lasting visible results.

The Wonder Platform is a safe and medically tested alternative to conventional liposuction or other invasive cosmetic surgery methods. Accent Prime treatments use acoustic shear waves that rapidly break down fat cells. Patented radiofrequency waves accelerate metabolism, promoting lymphatic drainage and skin tightening. Treatments are painless, short, with no side effects and no recovery time. Treatment results are permanent, as destroyed fat cells are completely broken down.

The removal of double chin is possible with a series of at least 6 treatment sessions, carried out a week apart. Treatments are recommended for all skin types (I-VI) for both women and men.

Good to know!

After treatment, you may experience temporary redness, swelling and sometimes bruising. These side effects are usually temporary and can be covered with make-up.

You should also avoid sauna, steam bath, cold temperatures or UV radiation for about 2-3 days after treatment. In addition, frequent touching and pressure in the treatment area should be avoided for a week.

Double chin removal is not recommended in the following situations:

    • Acute or chronic skin conditions in the treated area (e.g. herpes, acne)
    • Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatism or Crohn's disease
    • Hives
    • Immunosuppression
    • Tendency to keloids
    • Use of blood clotting or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • Clotting disorders
    • Pacemaker
    • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
    • Children and adolescents under 18 years of age