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Periocular rejuvenation

with hyaluronic acid

Periocular rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid - wrinkles around the eyes disappear with the signs of time

Who are we talking to?

The eye area is the first area people notice. From a medical point of view, we can say that it is one of the most sensitive, being among the first to show signs of ageing. Thus, with the help of hyaluronic acid, we can successfully intervene to correct wrinkles, fill dark circles or even improve asymmetries.

Why choose SKINMED® experts in periocular rejuvenation?

In order to achieve long-lasting and especially natural results, it is necessary to call on experienced doctors, such as those in our team. Our experts combine thorough medical training, both general and injection-specific, with cutting-edge technology and the highest quality substances.

Benefits of periocular rejuvenation treatments in SKINMED®

Team of professionals, coordinated by Dr. Amalia Anghel
Doctors trained in the latest treatments and technologies
Experts with national and international specialisations
State-of-the-art technologies
Modern and effective treatments and procedures


Combination treatments for periocular rejuvenation

The SKINMED® expert injector establishes the treatment plan during the initial consultation. In SKINMED®, the periocular region, especially the visible tear trough, is corrected with a hyaluronic acid from the specific Juvederm range, Juvederm Volbela.

Laser treatments can help improve skin texture and tone by stimulating collagen production and reducing pigmentation irregularities. Lasers also work to resurface the skin and improve overall skin quality.

What are the steps in this procedure?

The doctor assesses the patient in terms of anatomical features, skin type and desired outcome.

An anaesthetic cream with a strong numbing effect is applied to the area. Most patients find the procedure tolerable in terms of pain.

Hyaluronic acid is injected by needle or cannula. The cannula is a blunt-tipped needle that does not puncture or traumatise blood vessels and nerve endings, lowering the risk of bruising and oedema.

Why choose the SKINMED periocular rejuvenation treatment®?

Experience is our calling card, years of hard work, state-of-the-art technologies and up-to-date techniques guarantee the best results. At SKINMED®, treatment of the eye area involves a combination of non-surgical treatments: injectable hyaluronic acid treatments as well as minimally invasive procedures such as laser therapies.

How long do periocular rejuvenation results last?

The duration of results from periocular rejuvenation treatments varies depending on the specific treatments used, the individual patient's anatomy, etc. In general, results can last from a few months to a year or more.

Doctors EXPERT in periocular rejuvenation

SKINMED experience and technology®, for flawless looking skin!

Advantages SKINMED®


  • Over 19,000 patients treated in the clinic
  • Over 300 new patients every month
  • Over 3500 new patients annually
  • Over 20000 treatments per year


  • FOTOFINDER-accredited Centre of Expertise in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Cancer
  • ALMA LASER accredited laser treatment centre of expertise
  • ALLERGAN accredited centre of expertise in Aesthetics and Medical Injecology


Only world-class accredited technologies

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Frequently asked questions

What are dark circles? Why do they appear?

Circles are the totality of changes affecting the periocular area in terms of hyperpigmentation, unsightly accentuation of the tear trough or skin changes such as wrinkles or laxity. In general, the mechanisms of appearance are complex, including a genetic predisposition, advancing age, increased vascularisation of the area, thinning of the skin allowing the underlying structures to be seen, loss of firmness of the skin.

How can the periocular area be treated?

The treatment of dark circles will be determined by the dermatologist during the initial consultation, depending on their appearance. Topical products have limited effect in correcting dark circles, but may be prescribed by the doctor mainly for moisturising the area, but also for adjuvant effect after dermato-aesthetic procedures.
Depending on the type of changes in the eye area, the dermatologist will decide on the most appropriate procedure for the patient or sometimes a combined therapeutic plan.

What procedures can be done to correct eye area problems?

Depending on the type of dark circles under the eyes, there are various dermato-aesthetic treatments available with very good results.
In the case of hyperpigmented dark circles, the procedure that stands out in terms of results, as well as the absence of pain and recovery time is the ClearLift laser. Based on the power of photoacoustic shock waves, it allows the treatment of hyperpigmentation, but also stimulates the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibres in just 4-6 sessions. In cases of significant hyperpigmentation, the dermatologist may also use injectable mesotherapy, under topical anaesthesia, which uses a cocktail of depigmenting and rejuvenating substances.
When there is significant laxity and wrinkling, procedures such as fractional CO₂ laser or fractional radiofrequency are recommended to correct these issues. The procedures are performed under topical anesthesia, involve a recovery time with rash and scaling of 5-7 days and are usually performed in a series of 4 to 6 treatments, spaced every month.
Another treatment method is the use of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the skin in the form of dermal fillets. It can be used both to correct and fill the accentuated tear trough and to moisturise the area.

How soon will I see the results?

In the case of hyaluronic acid injection, the results will be partially visible immediately after the procedure, with the final result being seen after about a month. When talking about laser procedures, results start to appear 2-4 weeks after the first laser therapy session, and continue to improve even up to a month after the last treatment session.

Who can benefit from these procedures?

Treatment of the eye area can be carried out by almost anyone, choosing the appropriate method during the initial dermatological consultation. Exceptions are pregnant and breastfeeding women and people known to have active neoplasia. All other potential relative contraindications are left to the dermatologist.